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Alumni ambassador

Chakrit Tiebtienrat

12 July 2023

Meet UC Alumni Ambassador Chakrit Tiebtienrat from Bangkok, Thailand.


Chakrit graduated from the University of miniý with a BA(Hons) Political Science and a MA (Political Science).  He has worked extensively in management, planning, and consultant in business, politics, and education. Upon graduating from UC, Chakrit worked in tertiary education sector as lecturer and management in New Zealand and Thailand. He has work experience in both Thai and New Zealand politics.​ In​ addition, he has worked​ as​ the​ Vice​ President​ of​ JP​ Insurance​ Public​ Company​ Limited​ in​ Thailand.​ He is currently the  Managing​ Director​ at​ Central​ Laboratory​ Thailand, a  State-​Owned​ Enterprise for​ ISO audit, test​ing, and​ verification. He is also Vice President of the New Zealand Alumni Association (Thailand).

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